In Bangalore eröffnete FAMIN im Juni 2008 eine weitere Nähschule. Damit helfen wir den Frauen, mit einer soliden Nähausbildung ein eigenes Business zu starten, das ihnen zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit verhelfen soll.
Hier ein Auszug aus einem englischen Bericht, den uns unser Feldsekretär Silas Rameshkumar aus Indien übermittelte:
FAMIN Tailoring Unit / School at LJCPM
From June 11th 2008 onwards the FAMIN tailoring school has been started at the LJCPM church with a temporary teacher. FAMIN contributed as an advance INR […] towards this tailoring school for the purchase of 3 machines and agreed to pay for the salary of the tailoring teacher.
In the beginning 5 students were learning and later on it was found that the teacher was not teaching well and she discontinued during the end of June.
From July onwards another sister called Laveena was appointed as Tailoring Instructor. She is teaching well and the number of students is increasing day-by-day and there are 15 students learning at this level. There is a need of at least 5 machines to maintain the stream of practicing for the students.
Silas Rameshkumar, Secretary, FAMIN India
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